Carodan Farm Wool Shop
7151 Horseshoe Dr
Chincoteague Island VA 23336

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Hey Everyone! Just to let you know we're starting a Drop In and knit or crochet from 10-12 on Wednesdays starting next week, February 12th. It's a perfect day time to gather a friend or two, come and knit/crochet and then have a lunch together on the Island. It's not a class, but a time to gather and enjoy each other and your hand work. Hope to see you here.


We are getting packed up for the Carolina FiberFest this coming weekend and the shop on Chincoteague will be closed March 11-16th. Reopen with regular hours on Monday, March 17th.

Our Regular Hours: Please note change in Tuesday hours. Mondays 10-3, Tuesdays 1-8, Wednesdays 10-3

Check our shop on line where we are always open.